
Tuesday, May 17, 2022




GENESIS 17:1-6

Our heavenly Father is the Almighty.

Because He is the Almighty, there is no impossibility with Him.
Because He is the Almighty, He can do and undo. Because He is the Almighty he can penetrate anywhere,He can do anything, He can cause things to happen.
He can cause a womb that is removed to bring forth children,God can cause a woman that is old,very very old, 90 years old no more menses to bring forth children. He is the Almighty.

He can cause sickness to get out of your body. He can change your life in a second. God can turn the life of someone that is rotten to something. Let us not write people off, because God is the Almighty. He can do all things.


1: He is the God that blesses his people.

God blesses his people and multiplies them. He will multiply you spiritually, multiply you physically,multiply you financially.

God has made you the father of many nations. He wants to use you to be a blessing to many nations. He wants to give you wisdom for the nations. He wants you to be blessed financially, to be a blessing to nations. He has anointed you to anoint and raise men and women for the kingdom. God is not blessing you for yourself alone but to be a blessing to other nations. God wants to give you lands for possession.

2: God is a God that keeps covenants.

Our God is a covenant keeping God, for He makes covenants and keeps covenants.
(Deuteronomy 7:12)

A covenant is an agreement between two people.

Exodus 2:23-24
God is telling you this morning that he knows your challenges and he will settle them, because he is a covenant keeping God. God is saying He surely knows your afflictions and He has come to deliver you in Jesus name.

May God remember his covenant over your life in Jesus name.


Many people are not experiencing the covenant of God because of disobedience. Sin is what is hindering some people to be part of the blessings of God. You can not be living in sin and expect God's promise to be effective in your life (Isaiah 59:1-2 Psalm 66:18).

Genesis 17:1
God had promised Abraham but the promise did not come through until he heeded to the commandment of God according to the scripture above saying, walk before me and be perfect.

Today as you continue to walk in the fullness of God, I see the hand of God Coming over your life in JESUS name Amen.

Please if you have been blessed by this ministry and you are led to support us in spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, please make your donation to this account.
Samuel Okechukwu Jonah
Account Number: 0048896663
Bank:- Access Bank.

Thank You Very Much For Your Support!
May the God we Serve Bless You A Million Times in return! Amen!
Pastor:- Samuel.Okechukwu.Jonah

Sunday, May 15, 2022




MATTHEW 2:1-16

See what greed can do! when Jesus was born, HEROD was the king, it had already been prophesied that JESUS would be born in Judah as a ruler. when JESUS was born, three wise men came looking for the king that was born. HEROD enquired  and realized that the king would be born in Bethlehem Judah. Herod asked the three wise men to go to where JESUS was and return to him so that he can go and worship him,but his intention was to go and kill the child. The wise men having being instructed by the almighty God went another way without returning to HEROD.

HEROD was annoyed and ordered all male children from two years and below to be killed.

Imagine how long it would take the child JESUS to grow to become king physically by then HEROD would have been dead.

Greed is you not been satisfied for what God has given to you, you are not satisfied with the little money God has given to you, you just want to grab everything. Because of money you cannot attend bible study or any of the church weekly activities.

May the lord deliver us from the forces of Greed in JESUS name Amen.

How can you use One hundred Naira  to do business and be expecting to get in return one Million naira.

The kind of greed in our generation have become alarming.

Money separates the wife and the husband. Greed is the reason why some pastors have encouraged themselves into selling of water for miracles.

(ACTS 5:1-10) Ananias and his wife  Sapphira sold their land and brought part of the money and lied, that the money was complete, for this reason they died.

(LUKE 12:13-21) The man in this scripture had no time for God but time for merry, he died and God said he was a fool. It is only a fool that looks only at today and forgets tomorrow,

People who are greedy are pron to fall into the camp of the Laodiceans (Revelations 3:17-18). Appreciate what you have at hand and always remain with a pure heart of expectation by faith in the name of JESUS.

If you allow greed you would enter into what you never expected. So many people have been manipulated by the agents of the devil into occultism because of Greed.

I want you to pray today that your heart will be tied on God and not on Money.Some people cannot pay their tithes just because of greed. may God deliver you in JESUS name.Some people even to give a thousand Naira to the church is a problem, all because of greed.

So may God take away every form of  greed in your life in JESUS name.

Please if you have been blessed by this ministry and you are led to support us in spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, please make your donation to this account.

Samuel Okechukwu Jonah
Account Number: 0048896663
Bank:- Access Bank.
Thank You Very Much For Your Support!
May the God we Serve Bless You A Million Times in return! Amen!
Pastor:- Samuel.Okechukwu.Jonah