
Saturday, April 16, 2022



GENESIS 25-21-23, ROMANS 9-10-13.

When Rebecca the mother of ESAU and JACOB conceived the two twins they had not done anything bad or good but right in the womb God had chosen the greater one.

Right from the womb God said JACOB have i loved and ESAU have i hated,and God said the younger shall serve the elder,the younger shall be greater right from when they were still in the womb.

This children were still in the womb and God crossed his hands,that is the reason why sometimes children are born in the family and the younger one is over shadowing not because he wants to overshadow but the blessings of God continue to increase on this person, he finds himself to be a leader even when he does not want, he finds people coming to him, why is it so, its because the hands of God have been crossed.

I would advice you if the hand of God is crossed on someone over you don't envy the person, don't  fight the person,just know that it is the mercy of God that have crossed over the person.

And you if God have crossed his hands over you don't be proud,don't look down on those who are above you.And you know sometimes when God chooses a person to be a leader not because the person is more brilliant than others,not because the person is more better than others,but sometimes God will even choose someone that is the list and make him the head so that all the glory would belong to God through his mercies,

I pray today that  may God in his mercies cross his hand over your life in the name of JESUS,may god cross his hands of mercy, cross his hands of favor, cross his hands of lifting,cross his hands of promotion, cross his hands of divine transformation in your life in the name of Jesus Christ.

GENESIS 38-27-30 We have another situation were Judah had slept with the daughter in law not knowing and she conceived,when this children were to be born the first one came out first' with his leg and the navies decided to tie a red cloth on the leg saying this one is the first one, but since he came with leg not head the leg went inside again.

As soon as the head entered  inside the other twin came out with speed and they now called him PEREZ, Perez means breakout.

your brother was coming out first why did you come out like that? that is when God hand crosses, so he became the first son not the one that started coming out first, God chooses in his mercies to make someone first my brothers and sisters.

It may look as if someone would be first but God chooses who comes first,because even the younger becomes the first.

Is it not amazing that me as an IGBO man, My father is Igbo, my mother is igbo my grand parents are all igbos,my linage all of them are igbos,and today by grace we have a church were  95% are tiv people this happens  when God hands crosses over a man.

When God hands crosses over you people would forget your name,people would not care about that,when you are struggling over something, brother stop struggling,just seek the mercies of God,seek the hand of God across over your life,stop fighting people,stop fighting people who are blessed,stop fighting people who God is promoting,stop fighting people who God is lifting,Stop fighting who God is helping because it is the hand of God that have crossed over them,go and meet God let his hands also cross over you.

In GENESIS 48-1-5 read through to 20 you would find a situation were JACOB had goon to meet JOSEPH in EGYPT and then JOSEPH brought his two sons MANASSEH and EPHRAIM for blessings and as at this time JOCOB could not see clear his eyes had gone dim.

Since Manasseh was the firstborn of the two brothers, Joseph had placed him on Jacob’s right side. The primary blessing was always given through the right hand (considered the hand of strength and dominance). The lesser blessing would be given to Ephraim by being blessed with the left hand. That’s how the blessings would have been given if Jacob had merely reached forward and blessed them. But he did something unexpected.

Jacob stretched out his right hand to the boy on his left (Ephraim) and his left hand to the boy on his right (Manasseh). In other words, he crossed his arms. This wasn’t a mistake, but was the full intention of Jacob under the inspiration of God (verse 14).

Joseph was confused when he saw this occurring and tried to correct his father (verse 17). But Jacob assured Joseph that this was the way it was meant to be,the younger shall be greater than the elder.

We come across another story in JUDGES 11-1-11, were a man called JEPHTER was born from  a harlot, and when the father hath re married to another woman and had four children, his sons grew up and drove JEPHTER away that he was a son of a harlot and that he can not be a part of their family so they drove him far away from them.

He went somewhere far away and stayed but one day the community had a problem, trouble came and they were looking for someone to lead them,they ran back to JEPHTER to plead with him to lead them,remember this is the same man who was rejected by his brothers, my brothers and sisters when the hand of God is crossed over you, he would put you were he wants you to be.

JEPHTER came and faught for him and he became the captain of ISRAEL.

We find another story in 1 kings 1-1-35 the story of when DAVID was about to die, ADONIJAH his son the bible said he never offended his father,and it became clear that DAVID was about to die,he now called captains and called people to arrange to become the next king but DAVID said no God had chosen SOLOMON the son of the adulterous woman,the child that was not even the first son,the hand of God had crossed over him.

Church listen In mercies and love God chooses.

Finally 1 Corinthians 15-9-10 Apostle PAUL says i was the list of all the apostles but by the grace of god i am what i am the list became the leader which com-firms ROMANS 9-15 not of him that wills  or him that runs but of him that shows  mercies.

Please if you have been blessed by this ministry and you are led to support and bless this ministry in return.
Please make your donation to this account
Samuel Okechukwu Jonah
Account Number: 0048896663
Bank:- Access Bank
To help us continue in the spreading of The GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST to every corner of this world.
Thank You Very Much For Your Support!
May GOD we Serve Bless You A Million Times in return! Amen!
Pastor:- Samuel.Okechukwu.Jonah

Wednesday, April 13, 2022



There is much disorderliness in the lives of people when they is idleness,people get wasted when there are not engaged with something doing.

But find a man/woman who is diligent in his/her lives, they seem to  become lifted in life,they also mingle with great people and not mean men.

Diligence is a virtue of honor and dignity which exalts a man to height of glory and honor,and also rids him of idleness.(PROVERBS:-13-4). Says the soul of the slugged desire and hath nothing but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

The city of Sodom was destroyed for the abundance of laziness (EZEKIEL:-16-49) .

DAVID also got ensnelled by committing adultery with URIAH'S wife in his time of idleness when all the kings went to war and he was left behind with nothing doing.

When people in the church, family, society and anywhere are left open and empty without engagements they become so easy and cheap to be gotten by the devil for his evil purposes.

The great king SOLOMON ventured into marrying so many wives at an attempt to certify and fill the emptiness in him which was caused by idleness.

(JOHN:-5-17),(MATTEW :-9-27) Note"dont be so idle and empty to waist your life for there is so much to do while you are alive.


1:-Get yourself to work.

2:-To fight and resist laziness.

3:-Be hard working.

4:-Mingle with the right people

5:-Don't be complacent or satisfied.

Please if you have been blessed by this ministry and you are led to support and bless this ministry in return.

Please make your donation to this account

To help us continue in the spreading of The GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST to every corner of this world.

Thank You Very Much For Your Support!
May the GOD we Serve Bless You A Million Times in return! Amen!


Monday, April 11, 2022



JOSHUA 13:-1

1 Kings 13:1-25

John 9: 4

1 Kings 13: 7-24.



 Stand Up, it is not yet time to rest,there are yet more lands for victory to win for Grand master Jesus.Stand in prayers,bible study,evangelism and with the church. 

It is not yet time to rest but time to work. Rest is always pleasant after labor, but dangerous within it.


Day time is time to work while night time is time of rest. Jn.9: 4. Believers are in their day-time when they must do the work of God. They must work now. 1Sam.19: 60Eccl.12: 1. The work of God is King’s business which demands haste. 1Sam.21: 8. Praying for our marriages, homes, families, spouses, parents, children are works that must be done daily.

 Preaching, binding, loosing and fighting the battle of faith fighting the battle of faith against the enemies are other works of faith. No time must be wasted resting when the battle is still hot. 1Pet.5: 8; Matt.13: 25; Acts.3: 10. We must rely upon the Lord our maker in all situations to execute all our assignments. God is ever constant, faithful and beautiful for all situations. Ps.48: 1-2.



 We must work and rest at the right time and serve God now when it is the day time.

 Thank You Jesus.

Matthew_9-37: Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few

Matthew_9-37: Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few

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May God Bless Israel, Nigeria, And America And Take Care Of Us; May God Make His Face Shine Upon Us, And Be Gracious To Us; May The Lord Lift Up His Countenance Upon Us, And Give Us Peace, In Jesus Christ Name, We Pray! Amen!

May The Grace The Lord Jesus Christ, And The Love Of God, And The Fellowship Of The Holy Spirit Be With You All. Amen!

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Samuel Okechukwu Jonah

Account Number: 0048896663

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To help us continue in the spreading of The GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST to every corner of this world.

Thank You Very Much For Your Support!

May GOD we Serve Bless You A Million Times in return! Amen!

Pastor:- Samuel.Okechukwu.Jonah

Sunday, April 10, 2022




Bible verse: Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

Every child of God is born to be a wo

nder to the world. According to John 3:8, everyone born of the spirit is born a living wonder. Mark 16:17-18 says” And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

By divine ordination, every child of God is born a sign and wonder by divine ordination. Isaiah 8: 18 says “ Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion”.

Even though we know who we are, we need to know how to operate in that realm. What do you need to do to be a sign and wonder.?

Exodus 4:17 says “And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs” and Isaiah 11:1 says “And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD” Combinning these two verses, it is clear that to be a sign and wonder you need to carry Jesus every where you go. The name of Jesus is so full of wonders and engaging that name ‘Jesus’ is one way to evoke signs and wonders to flow in our life.

In Acts 3: 6 Peter had no money to give the lame man but with the name of Jesus he was able to do wonders and the lame man got up and began to walk. The name of Jesus can bring anybody out from issues of life.

You need to know how to engage the name of Jesus to see wonders in your life. There is healing, protection, blessing in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is key to answered prayers, when you pray to God in the name of Jesus,you grab God’s attention. The name of Jesus opens the doors of heaven ( John 14:12) The name of Jesus is anointed, the name of Jesus destroys yokes, demons are subjected to the name. When you engage that name against the operation, the anointing goes forth to fight on your behalf.The name of Jesus guarantees peace in troubled times. There is counsel in that name so when your soul is troubled, call upon the name of Jesus. The bible calls Him the Prince of peace.

With the name of Jesus in your hand, a new day dawns on your life. With faith in the name of Jesus, there is a change of story for you! The bible says in that the signs will follow those that believe, the name puts you in command of every situation in your life. When we engage the name of Jesus n faith, miracles, signs and wonders will follow.
The depth of understanding you have in the name of Jesus will determine the result you get when you make use of the name. Your spiritual understanding of the name of Jesus is key to experiencing your signs and wonders, the name of Jesus is full of wonders

Christianity without the supernatural is fake religion, if the supernatural is not happening around you then you are not experiencing true Christianity. By engaging the name of God, you experience the supernatural things, you start to get things . The name of Jesus is a gift from God to the believer, the name of Jesus is the key to every door, you can use the name of Jesus to cross your red sea and overcome your problems.

Message by the Senior Pastor. Samuel okechukwu Jonah.
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