
Wednesday, April 13, 2022



There is much disorderliness in the lives of people when they is idleness,people get wasted when there are not engaged with something doing.

But find a man/woman who is diligent in his/her lives, they seem to  become lifted in life,they also mingle with great people and not mean men.

Diligence is a virtue of honor and dignity which exalts a man to height of glory and honor,and also rids him of idleness.(PROVERBS:-13-4). Says the soul of the slugged desire and hath nothing but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

The city of Sodom was destroyed for the abundance of laziness (EZEKIEL:-16-49) .

DAVID also got ensnelled by committing adultery with URIAH'S wife in his time of idleness when all the kings went to war and he was left behind with nothing doing.

When people in the church, family, society and anywhere are left open and empty without engagements they become so easy and cheap to be gotten by the devil for his evil purposes.

The great king SOLOMON ventured into marrying so many wives at an attempt to certify and fill the emptiness in him which was caused by idleness.

(JOHN:-5-17),(MATTEW :-9-27) Note"dont be so idle and empty to waist your life for there is so much to do while you are alive.


1:-Get yourself to work.

2:-To fight and resist laziness.

3:-Be hard working.

4:-Mingle with the right people

5:-Don't be complacent or satisfied.

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