
Wednesday, May 4, 2022



If you know the benefits of what you are about to engage in, your approach and seriousness to carry out your task will be different. Fasting is one thing that most people don't really understand. The purpose and benefits of this exercise are also not understood. This has made the approach of christians to the spiritual exercise not to be serious at all.

Pastor Samuel Okechukwu Jonah has revealed  things you stand to gain when you fast. He said that fasting will help to release the anointing and God's power upon your life, lift up your spirit man and renew your strength. Let us examine these  benefits one after the other.

The first benefit he mentioned was the release of the power of God. Remember when Jesus fasted for 40 days? The Bible said that when he returned from his fast, he returned in the power of the Most High. For, you will need supernatural power from God to operate and win. That is why you must fast. There are some demons who will not leave your life expect you fast and pray. Jesus said "this kind goeth not out except by prayer and fasting."

He talked about the lifting up of your spirit man next. Your spirit man is weighed down when you are bombarded with fleshy things. If your focus is on natural things all the time, then it would be difficult for you to hear God. Fasting will help you release weight from your spirit man, leaving you free to hear God, and operate in the supernatural.

Finally, he talked about the renewal of your strength. We work so hard during our lifetime, and we don't focus on our spiritual lives. Imagine you don't eat for a while, wouldn't you feel weak? During fasting, you take spiritual food, and do spiritual exercises, which will renew your strength.

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